Nayanthara and Vignesh Shivan have been hot topics in Kollywood for the past few weeks, starting with the Dhanush vs. Nayanthara controversy, Nayanthara’s bold statement against YouTubers, and now Vignesh Shivan’s government property controversy.
A few days ago, there was a piece of news trending on social media that Vignesh Shivan had gone to Pondicherry and met the tourist minister of Pondicherry and asked the price of the government property Sea Gulls Hotel to buy it and also requested the minister to give it at least on lease if the government doesn’t approve it to sell, and the minister got shocked and didn’t approve it.
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For this, many people on social media started to troll Vignesh Shivan and meme creators posted many funny memes against Vignesh Shivan.
In this scenario, now Vignesh Shivan, on his Instagram account, has shared a clarification note in which he mentioned that he went to Pondicherry to see the locations for his movie Lover Insurance Kompany.
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Then, as a matter of respect, he went to meet the chief minister and the tourism minister, but once after they met, his local manager enquired about something for him, which was then mistakenly connected to him, says Vignesh Shivan.
Looks like Vignesh Shivan has now become the clown in Kollywood, as he is being trolled for whatever he does, and also Nayanthara’s haters were also trolling Vignesh Shivan for what Nayanthara does, says the people on social media.
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