Nandamuri Balakrishna’s two daughters, Nara Brahmani and Tejeswini, have always stayed away from the usual spotlight of star media. It was only in recent years, following their marriages, that the public has caught glimpses of them, though their appearances have been limited.
Very little information about them is available in the public domain, as neither has participated in video interviews nor engaged in typical media interactions that are common with most star kids.
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During his Unstoppable show, Balakrishna revealed an interesting hidden secret about Nara Brahmani, who commands a secret fan following online due to her charming looks.
Balayya disclosed that Brahmani once received a movie offer from director Mani Ratnam, but she refused it humorously, saying, “I’m not a heroine face,” according to Balayya.
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Balakrishna mentioned that his two daughters are very different: while Brahmani is straightforward and blunt, his younger daughter is more diplomatic and knows how to handle him.