PAN Indian film HanuMan has blown away the minds of many with its stunning teaser. Teja Sajja teamed up once again with young and talented director Prasanth Varma after Zombie Reddy, which was a successful venture. The teaser has thus raised the expectations of many across the nation.

The latest news is that the unit has shot a breathtaking underwater sequence on a grand scale. It is being said that this particular sequence will leave the audience spellbound. It seems that the unit is not comprising on quality.

Bankrolled by K. Niranjan Reddy under Primeshow Entertainment’s banner, the movie has Amritha Aiyer as the female lead. In addition, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, Vinay Rai, Raj Deepak Shetty, and Vennela Kishore play pivotal roles. Gowra Hari, Anudeep Dev, and Krishna Saurabh are combinedly scoring the music.

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