Longleng observes World Hypertension Day

Along with the rest of the country, Longleng district observed World Hypertension Day under the theme: “Measure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control it, Live Longer” at CHC, Yachem and PHC, Yongnyah under Longleng district on May 17, informed a DIPR report.


Dr. Lenpichang DPO, NCD Longleng, sensitized the public about Hypertension during the commemoration. In his short speech, Dr. Lenpichang advised to maintain normal body weight, to exercise regularly and also to maintain a healthy diet. He also talked about the risk factors for high blood pressure and highlighted the key facts of Hypertension and its symptoms, prevention and treatment. Dr. Lenpichang also advised everyone present to regularly check their blood pressure.

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Dr. Visino Nakhro MO (Ayush) Yachem CHC, counselled and checked the blood pressure and sugar levels of the patients attended after the program.


Similarly, World Hypertension Day was also observed in all the health units under Longleng District.

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