New Delhi: Star couple KL Rahul and Athiya Shetty are all set to get hitched on January 23 at her father Suniel Shetty’s Bungalow in Khandala. While the couple and their families have been quite tight-lipped about the wedding and have not spilled the beans, the buzz is that they will throw a grand wedding reception later after the IPL.
KL Rahul and Athiya Shetty have been together for a longtime now and do not shy away from sharing each other’s pictures on social media. The rumours around their wedding was going on for quite some time but the couple was busy with their work commitments. Now, it seems like they are all ready for the big day.
According to the latest news, several celebrities from Bollywood and the cricketing world will grace their wedding including actors Salman Khan, Jackie Shroff, Akshay Kumar and Virat Kohli.