Janhvi Kapoor recently came up with a film named Mili. Released in theatres, the movie turned out to be a huge disappointment in terms of revenue. But Janhvi Kapoor’s performance received applause from critics. This is the official remake of the Malayalam blockbuster Helen.

The latest news is that this survival thriller is now streaming on the Netflix platform in Hindi audio with English subtitles. Janhvi has worked hard for the film and revealed that this was her most challenging role in the promotions. Directed by Mathukutty Xavier, Boney Kapoor bankrolled it under Bayview Projects and Zee Studios.

Manoj Pahwa, Binu Pappu, Aju Varghese, Rony David, Sunny Kaushal, and others played key roles in this flick. The film has AR Rahman as the music director. Those who missed watching it in theatres can now catch it on Netflix.

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