Largely Dull, Watchable if Patient

Largely Dull, Watchable if Patient

Largely Dull, Watchable if Patient

Snakes and Ladders is a new web series streaming on Amazon Prime Video in multiple languages. The show features familiar faces like Naveen Chandra for Telugu viewers.

The plot follows four school friends, one of whom accidentally commits a murder, leading them to make bolder mistakes involving a gang.

Firstly, the show lacks the believability needed to engage viewers. The actions of the school kids appear farcical and lack a realistic portrayal, which undermines the central storyline that largely depends on their track.

The show consists of nine episodes, each about 30 minutes long, but it feels overly long due to the slow pace and lack of interesting twists and turns.

Naveen Chandra is introduced after a few episodes, but his character also lacks depth. He performs as usual but makes no impact, adding to the ongoing dullness.

At best, the show is watchable if you are patient enough to see how the crime plot concludes. We recommend watching it only if you are a lenient viewer who doesn’t mind a slow pace and an unengaging narrative to pass the time if you have plenty to spare.

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