Aaftab Amin Poonawala, accused of killing his live-in partner Shraddha Walkar, has confessed to committing the crime narco-analysis test on Thursday. Poonawala reportedly told doctors that he killed Walkar in a ‘fit of rage’ when she threatened to leave him for good. Poonawala underwent a narco-analysis test for almost two hours at a hospital in Rohini yesterday as part of the ongoing investigation into the case.
Officials said Poonawala’s narco test was completely successful and his health condition was absolutely fine. Answering a series of questions in a drugged state, Poonawala gave details about how he disposed of Shraddha’s dismembered body and murder weapon, along with other details about the crime.
As per police sources, when Aaftab was asked about where he hid Shraddha’s head, he couldn’t pinpoint a location and only vaguely recalled where he got rid of it. He also revealed where he hid the murder weapon, the clothes Shraddha wore at the time of murder, and her mobile phone, they said.
Meanwhile, earlier today, a four-member team of the FSL along with the investigating officer of the case visited Central Jail No.4 for a ‘post- narco test interview’ with Poonawala, during which he was informed about his replies.
Latest Developments In Shraddha Murder Case Investigation:
▶️The answers that Aaftab Amin Poonawala, the accused in the Shraddha Walkar’s murder, gave in his polygraph and narco-analysis tests, and during the police interrogation are the same, sources said on Friday.
▶️ The interview in Central Jail No. 4 was expected to start at 10 am and go on till 3 pm, but it was delayed. The team reached the prison around 11.30 am and the entire session went on for about 1 hours and 40 minutes, reported PTI.
▶️ Tihar jail administration increased the security outside Aaftab Amin Poonawalla`s barrack, as the four-member Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) team visited Tihar for the `Post-Narco Test Interview on Friday.
▶️Aaftab Poonawala told doctors during his narco-analysis test on December 1 that he killed Shraddha Walkar when she threatened to leave him for good, a report by TOI stated.
▶️Poonawala’s narco test went smoothly, and during the test, he was asked a series of questions on the sequence of events that led to the killing, and how he later managed to dump the body parts, sources told news agency PTI.
▶️”He was asked all the basic questions that were asked during police interrogation. Starting from his relationship with Walkar, the period the two started facing issues in their relationship and if he had physically assaulted her while they were dating,” a source said.
▶️”He was also asked if he had killed Walkar, to which he replied in the affirmative and claimed it was in a fit of rage. When asked about the weapon he used to chop her body, he said he used a saw,” the source claimed.
▶️They added that many things that Aaftab talked about while drugged, corroborated the findings of the investigators till now.
▶️The sources also claimed that Poonawala said he had dumped the body parts in different forest areas. When asked about Walkar’s phone, he said he threw it, but did not specify the location, they claimed.
▶️Poonawala’s narco test was conducted at Dr Baba Saheb Ambedkar Hospital in Rohini.
▶️The answers Poonawala gave during the narco test and a polygraph test held earlier will be analysed, and on Friday, he will be informed about the replies he gave, sources in the Rohini-based Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) said.
▶️ Today, a four-member team of the FSL along with the investigating officer of the case visited Central Jail No.4 for a ‘post-test interview’ with Poonawala, during which he was informed about his replies.
▶️ Notably, confessions aren’t enough in a murder case, and they need to be corroborated with some physical evidence. However, the Mehrauli murder case isn’t ordinary as there is not body found too, which is why the narco test holds importance, and the proof found using the confessions are admissible in court.
▶️Aaftab’s confessions including those made before a magistrate through video conference and in polygraph tests, have no conclusive legal validity, say legal experts. Police and other official sources have said Poonawala confessed to the killing and also to dismembering her body into 35 pieces and dumping them in different areas of the city.
▶️Twenty-eight-year-old Poonawala allegedly strangled his live-in partner Walkar and cut her body into 35 pieces which he kept in a 300-litre fridge for almost three weeks at his residence in South Delhi’s Mehrauli before dumping them across the city over several days.
▶️Poonawala was arrested on November 12 and sent to five-day police custody, which was further extended by five days on November 17. The court on November 26 sent him to judicial custody for 13 days.
(With PTI Inputs)
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