Actor and Hindupur MLA Nandamuri Balakrishna’s talkshow, Unstoppable, has been a good success on Aha. With prominent celebrities like Nara Chandrababu Naidu, Prabhas and Pawan Kalyan gracing the show as Balayya’s guests, Unstoppable became a hot topic in the Telugu film and political worlds.
However, senior actress and Nagari MLA Roja has said in a latest interview that she will never attend Unstoppable as a guest. Roja said that she and Balayya together acted in seven movies and that she shares a good rapport with the Veera Simha Reddy actor.
“In the past, I was approached twice by Unstoppable’s team to be a guest on the show. Even though I wanted to attend the show, I could not make it as I had Assembly sessions those days. But, after watching Unstoppable’s recent episode featuring Nara Chandrababu Naidu, I had decided to never attend the show,” said Roja.
Roja further said that she was deeply pained to see how both Balayya and Chandrababu dragged the legendary actor and former Chief Minister of erstwhile Andhra Pradesh, NT Ramarao, and justified the infamous ‘backstabbing’ episode. “The way Balayya and Chandrababu had politicized a platform like Unstoppable was quite appalling. That day I had decided to never attend the show,” said the YSRCP MLA.
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