See what the stars have in store for your sign
We get it, Pisces! The retrograde season has been all kinds of frustration. You’ve had to encounter more delays than you anticipated. The good thing is, it’s all taking a turn now! It’s all taking a turn for the better! Trust that projects that were moving in slow motion will gather momentum soon. But, are you getting eight hours of sleep, Scorpio? Have you been consistent with your supplements and your fitness routine? Most importantly, are you having all the fun in the sun that you should be? It’s time to put health and wellness on the top of your priority list. Don’t fear the winds of change, Libra. Don’t fear all the ways in which you’re being called to transform *and* change the game. Don’t be afraid of where you are being led towards even if you can’t see the final destination. Your spirit guides and ancestors are walking with you to help you cross the threshold.
Aries Horoscope Today: January 14, 2023
The process of manifestation is a mysterious one. Sometimes, you get what you’ve asked for almost immediately. At other times, the waiting period seems endless. Know that what is being taken away from you is a part of the change you’ve been working towards. It’s what isn’t in alignment with your highest and greatest good. So, surrender to the process of cleanse and purge. Trust that there are rainbows that await you beyond the dark clouds.
Cosmic tip: Trust the process of cleanse and purge.
Taurus Horoscope Today: January 14, 2023
But, healing is about awareness, Taurus. It’s about recognising the thoughts, patterns and mindsets that are standing in the way of your growth. You already know what you need to shift within. It’s now time to take action on the given intention. Remember, doing things differently will feel uncomfortable in the beginning, and that’s okay. The good thing is, you are blessed with courage, strength, and wisdom, beautiful.
Cosmic tip: Make that change, even if it feels uncomfortable in the beginning.
Gemini Horoscope Today: January 14, 2023
Once again, the cards are bringing the theme of boundaries to your attention. How and where are you being called to reaffirm your boundaries? How and where are you being called to stand up for yourself? Choosing yourself is seldom easy, especially if you’ve been conditioned to put the needs of others before your own. Trust the voice of wisdom within nonetheless and strike a balance between what you desire and what is required of you.
Cosmic tip: Stand up for yourself even if it feels uncomfortable in the beginning.
Cancer Horoscope Today: January 14, 2023
Mercury retrograde gets a bad rep. But, you would go on to tell your fellow unicorns that it is beneficial in many ways. For starters, it has provided you with a necessary pause to rethink the trajectory of your life. At the same time, it has helped you gain deeper insights on how you are meant to serve the collective. Word for the wise: trust the impulses you are receiving at this time for they are helping you propel your career in a new direction.
Cosmic tip: But, mercury retrograde is not all bad!
Leo Horoscope Today: January 14, 2023
You’re leaving it all behind, Leo. The pain, the darkness, the solitude. The waning moon is holding space for a cleanse and purge. She is holding space for you to release what no longer serves your highest and greatest good. So, work *with* this energy rather than against it. The best way to do so is by dropping your resistance. Remember, change can feel daunting in the beginning even if we subconsciously desire it, and that’s okay. Power through it!
Cosmic tip: You’re leaving the worst behind.
Virgo Horoscope Today: January 14, 2023
But, it doesn’t have to be this or that. Maybe there is a middle path. Maybe there is a way to find a solution that takes both of your points of view into consideration. So, hold space for a meaningful exchange. Share your perspective honestly whilst being open to theirs. At the same time, make peace with the fact that things will only move forward when the time is right.
Cosmic tip: Engage in a meaningful conversation.
Libra Horoscope Today: January 14, 2023
Don’t fear the winds of change. Don’t fear all the ways in which you’re being called to transform *and* change the game. Don’t be afraid of where you are being led towards even if you can’t see the final destination. Your spirit guides and ancestors are walking with you to help you cross the threshold, Libra. Trust the process and take a moment to integrate the soul lessons.
Cosmic tip: Trust where you are being led towards even if you cannot see the final destination.
Scorpio Horoscope Today: January 14, 2023
But, are you getting eight hours of sleep, Scorpio? Have you been consistent with your supplements and your fitness routine? Most importantly, are you having all the fun in the sun that you should be? It’s time to put health and wellness on the top of your priority list. It’s time to put *you* on the top of your priority list. Overheard at the cosmic conference: working on yourself inside-out is the secret to that golden glow.
Cosmic tip: It’s time for some fun in the sun.
Sagittarius Horoscope Today: January 14, 2023
They’ve been consistent, they’ve been attentive and they’ve been showing up for you in ways unexpected. If the voice in your head is telling you this romance is for keeps, it’s time for you to trust it, beautiful. It’s time for you to let down your guard and let them into your sacred space. Making yourself vulnerable is seldom easy. But do you want to spend the rest of your life making decisions that are guided by fear?
Cosmic tip: Savour the deliciousness of this romance, Sagittarius.
Capricorn Horoscope Today: January 14, 2023
Today, when you find yourself in a difficult situation, step back and breathe. Instead of saying ‘why is this happening to me?’ say ‘what is the lesson in here?’ The Universe isn’t punishing you, beautiful. It is simply challenging you to level up. Oh, and one more thing! Drop the comparison game. Let go of the feeling that you have somehow missed your train. You are where you are supposed to be and every experience is perfect.
Cosmic tip: Ask yourself if there is a lesson here.
Aquarius Horoscope Today: January 14, 2023
The only reason that you are feeling an inner conflict is because you’re letting your head get in the way. Just listen to your heart, beautiful. Yes, it’s really that simple! Oh, and one more thing! Trust what you are receiving from the unseen realms by way of signs, symbols and messages. Your spirit guides are protecting you from something that isn’t in alignment with your soul’s growth, You just have to trust it.
Cosmic tip: Listen to your heart, Aquarius. Yes, it’s that simple!
Pisces Horoscope Today: January 14, 2023
We get it, Pisces! The retrograde season has been all kinds of frustration. You’ve had to encounter more delays than you anticipated. The good thing is, it’s all taking a turn now! It’s all taking a turn for the better! Trust that projects that were moving in slow motion will gather momentum soon. Some of you may be in the mood to catch flights, not feelings, this weekend. Say yes to spontaneous travel should the opportunity arise! Overheard at the cosmic conference: it’s time to savour the deliciousness of the human experience.
Cosmic tip: Catch flights, not feelings!