Horoscope Today: December 08, 2022 | Vogue India

See what the stars have in store for your sign


Relax. It’s already yours! All you have to do is allow yourself to receive. To give yourself the permission to step into the energy field of miracles, Virgo. For some of you, this lunation could mark a new chapter in the realm of love. If you’ve been feeling the feels for somebody, write to them instead of obsessively stalking their posts. But, you’re an old school romantic at heart, Scorpio. You do not understand the ways of the modern world. When you find something good, you want to keep it. You want to tend to it with care and nurture it with your love. Consider this as your greatest strength, beautiful. What the cards are reminding you today is that you have already laid a solid foundation this year and the best is yet to come! We get it, Taurus. You feel like you’ve been put through the wringer this year. But, don’t make the sadness and the suffering a part of your story. The good news is, nothing is permanent. You have the power to rewrite the script with greater awareness and have the tools required to call in more peace, love, joy and harmony. Set your intentions with clarity as give yourself the permission to receive the many blessings Spirit wants to send your way! 

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