See what the stars have in store for your sign
Relax. It’s already yours! All you have to do is allow yourself to receive. To give yourself the permission to step into the energy field of miracles, Virgo. For some of you, this lunation could mark a new chapter in the realm of love. If you’ve been feeling the feels for somebody, write to them instead of obsessively stalking their posts. But, you’re an old school romantic at heart, Scorpio. You do not understand the ways of the modern world. When you find something good, you want to keep it. You want to tend to it with care and nurture it with your love. Consider this as your greatest strength, beautiful. What the cards are reminding you today is that you have already laid a solid foundation this year and the best is yet to come! We get it, Taurus. You feel like you’ve been put through the wringer this year. But, don’t make the sadness and the suffering a part of your story. The good news is, nothing is permanent. You have the power to rewrite the script with greater awareness and have the tools required to call in more peace, love, joy and harmony. Set your intentions with clarity as give yourself the permission to receive the many blessings Spirit wants to send your way!
Aries Horoscope Today: December 08, 2022
We get it, Aries. You’re a pro at what you do and you always know how to deal with crisis situations. Right now, it feels as if you would be moving forward at jet-speed if it weren’t for your colleagues. But, can you really do it all on your own? Something to think about as you sip on your morning tea, beautiful. What you’re being guided to focus on in the coming days is to put a new system in place, one that everybody seems to agree upon. Alternatively, if you feel like your time to fly solo has come, put down your paper and begin to revise the script of your life.
Cosmic tip: Put a new system in place.
Taurus Horoscope Today: December 08, 2022
We get it, Taurus. You feel like you’ve been put through the wringer this year. But, don’t make the sadness and the suffering a part of your story. The good news is, nothing is permanent. You have the power to rewrite the script with greater awareness and have the tools required to call in more peace, love, joy and harmony. Set your intentions with clarity as give yourself the permission to receive the many blessings Spirit wants to send your way! PS: Something tells us a divine soulmate union could be on the cards for some.
Cosmic tip: You are the creator of your reality. Set your intention with clarity.
Gemini Horoscope Today: December 08, 2022
We get it, Gemini. It’s been quite the rollercoaster ride and you’re in no mood to be productive. The good thing is, you don’t have to. Honour your need to zen out for a bit. Watch your favourite movie for the 50th time, OD on a show that never fails to bring a smile to your face, practise a guided meditation/visualisation, make art just for you, play with the little ones in the fam or call your bestie for some R&R. If it brings a sense of lightness back into the narrative, it means you’re on the right track.
Cosmic tip: Give yourself the permission to zen out, boo.
Cancer Horoscope Today: December 08, 2022
Today, the cards are bringing your attention to conflicting beliefs. For instance, if you want more money but you somehow believe that money is the root of all evil, you could end up creating blockages in your own life. If you’re manifesting a long-term relationship but keep accepting breadcrumbs, your actions could be giving out the message ‘I’m okay to settle’. But, you deserve the best, Cancer. You deserve to watch your dreams and desires come to life in the physical. So, take a long, hard look at how you could be getting in your own way as you begin to pluck the weeds out of your garden.
Cosmic tip: Replace the conflicting beliefs with positive ones.
Leo Horoscope Today: December 08, 2022
Keep it simple, Leo. Be discerning of what you allow into your sacred circle. If it doesn’t bring you income, inspiration or orgasms, it isn’t worth your time, beautiful! As such, what you’re experiencing right now is artistic inspiration of the highest order. So, cut out the distractions and give the Muse your undivided attention. Something tells us the best is yet to come!
Cosmic tip: Be discerning of what you allow into your sacred circle!
Virgo Horoscope Today: December 08, 2022
Relax. It’s already yours! All you have to do is allow yourself to receive. To give yourself the permission to step into the energy field of miracles, Virgo. For some of you, this lunation could mark a new chapter in the realm of love. If you’ve been feeling the feels with somebody, write to them instead of obsessively stalking their posts. Ask them out for dinner or moonbathe together at the nearest park. Remember to leave your checklist at home and open yourself to the infinite possibilities of what you can co-create as a team.
Cosmic tip: Leave your checklist at home. That’s all!
Libra Horoscope Today: December 08, 2022
There’s a sense of familiarity lingering in the air. You feel like you know them; that you’ve known them. That you’ve had certain experiences together before in another time and space dimension. Word for the wise: don’t hold yourself back from expressing how you feel at this time. Your honesty and your vulnerability will work in your favour this time around.
Cosmic tip: There’s a sense of familiarity lingering in the air.
Scorpio Horoscope Today: December 08, 2022
But, you’re an old school romantic at heart, Scorpio. You do not understand the ways of the modern world. When you find something good, you want to keep it. You want to tend to it with care and nurture it with your love. Consider this as your greatest strength, beautiful. What the cards are reminding you today is that you have already laid a solid foundation this year and the best is yet to come!
Cosmic tip: When you find something good, you nurture it with love.
Sagittarius Horoscope Today: December 08, 2022
Spoiler alert, Sagittarius: this is just a preview. A preview of what you’re likely to experience in the coming year. Instead of walking the path of denial, bring the gift of awareness to the table. Begin to recognise the patterns that are at play here. Something tells us honouring and accepting your boundaries is a major theme for you right now! So, don’t be afraid to draw the line wherever necessary. Don’t hesitate to say ‘no’ when something doesn’t sit right with you.
Cosmic tip: Honouring and accepting your boundaries is a major theme right now.
Capricorn Horoscope Today: December 08, 2022
All you want for Christmas is all the good things life has to offer. ‘Your wishes are my commands!’ is what the Universe wants to say to you at the end of the year. Something tells us you are ready! You are ready to call in more love, more joy, more bliss, more prosperity and more good juju into your life. So, believe in the best possible outcome and trust the Universe to meet you there. Anything is possible right now, Capricorn!
Cosmic tip: Open yourself to the blessings life has to offer.
Aquarius Horoscope Today: December 08, 2022
Think of love as a journey rather than a destination. You don’t have to get it right at the first go. We all make mistakes, Aquarius. The only thing that matters is that you’re honest with yourself about what you desire and willing to work towards it in a consistent manner. What you don’t want to don’t want to do: intellectualise your emotions or reject what you’re feeling in any way. You deserve to have your needs met. Open yourself up to the unexpected.
Cosmic tip: Accept your emotions in their entirety.
Pisces Horoscope Today: December 08, 2022
What if we said that every rejection was a redirection? What if we said that the stars are realigning in the night sky for you? What if we said that you are stepping into the energy field of miracles and that anything is possible right now? Believe in the best possible outcome and trust the Universe to meet you there. Something tells us your spirit guides are giving you all the signs you need to keep going, beautiful!
Cosmic tip: Your spirit guides are working with and through you to help you create the best reality there is.