
    Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for December 17, 2022 | Astrology

    All zodiac signs have their own characteristics and traits which define someone’s personality. Wouldn’t it be helpful if you started your day by already knowing about what’s going to come your way? Read on to find out whether the odds will be in your favour today.

    ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 20)

    You must put your health and wellbeing first. Drink plenty of warm water and do add fibre in your diet. It’s time to review your outgoing costs. You might be fortunate as a result of your investment. To succeed in your career and receive recognition, you must put in a lot of effort. Continue putting forth your great effort and tenacity. Your biggest treasure is your family. You could celebrate with them on some outings.

    Love Focus: Show someone you care about how you feel.



    TAURUS (Apr 21-May 20)

    You might be in good health, unaffected by stress or disease. Your income may be plentiful, and you are competent enough to balance your expenses for long-term gains. Your efforts may pay off in the end. Your standing will improve, and you might be transferred to your preferred location. Maintain your composure and avoid creating a tense atmosphere at home.

    Love Focus: You can attract someone by showing warmth and concern towards them.



    GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21)

    You need to enjoy your life to the fullest. Get ecstatic by attending social functions and get inspired by influential people. Indulging in activities like sports, swimming, gym, etc. are likely to help you energize yourself. Gathering with your siblings and friends may help you achieve mental relaxation. Monetary benefits may account for the rise of your status. Spend time with your family to avoid friction.

    Love Focus – You appear to be a very devoted and passionate partner. Continue to show your love and concern.



    CANCER (Jun 22-Jul 22)

    This is going to be a day full of fun and rejuvenation. Good health helps you feel positive. A most awaited deal is likely to be finalized. Celebrate your achievements with your family and friends. Spend ample time with your family to avoid any domestic disturbances. You may get a higher position in your career, or your boss may appreciate you for your tremendous effort in your work. Those looking for a job are likely to hear of some possibilities.

    Love Focus: Love is in the air for the two of you; show your affection by spending time with each other.



    LEO (Jul 23-Aug 23)

    Staying motivated is going to be your mantra today. Someone’s guidance is likely to help you improvise your professional front. Your high energy to accomplish your goals is likely to be appreciated by those around you. Stable financial graph helps you remain stress free. Avoid travelling unless really important. Devote quality time to your family. So, avoid spending money on frivolous things. A family youngster may require your help; stay available.

    Love Focus: Marriage is on the cards of those single.


    LUCKY COLOUR: Silver

    VIRGO (Aug 24-Sep 23)

    Make health your priority today. Understand its signals and act accordingly. Be attentive towards the tasks assigned to you on the career front. An imbalance in career and health may attract mood swings. Financially things appear to be fine but splurging may disturb your budget if not careful. Stars shine bright on the property front today. Exciting time is in store for those bitten by a travel bug.

    Love Focus: Cupid’s arrow is likely to strike those looking for love.



    LIBRA (Sep 24-Oct 23)

    Smile! This will lift your energies as well as for those around you. The day appears to be busy overall. Spending time in the company of the loved ones is likely to rejuvenate you. Embrace cost-cutting measures to gain profits in the long run. Keep updating yourself with new technologies as it is important to move ahead with changing times. Follow all the deadlines and submit your work on time. This may help you get promoted.

    Love Focus – Avoid misbehaving with your partner to maintain harmony in your marriage.


    LUCKY COLOUR: Light Blue

    SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 22)

    You are going to be in charge of your efficiency today. Avoid spending money on frivolous things to control your expenditures. Those craving for a break can plan an outing with your family. Speaking your heart out to those close to you is going to make you feel lighter. Your skills are likely to help you grow on the career front. A few colleagues may be jealous of your performance – handle the situation tactfully.

    Love Focus: Avoid stretching an argument – it is likely to do you no good to your relationship.


    LUCKY COLOUR: Purple

    SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23-Dec 21)

    Today, you are likely to experience calm and positivity. Most of the situations can be dealt easily with this attribute of yours. Connecting with some NGOs or contributing for a social cause is likely to give you happiness. Work wise, things appear to be hectic. Your boss may also discuss some great plans for you to participate. Some of you may get an opportunity to explore your skills and evaluate your personality. Financially, the day will prove to be rewarding.

    Love Focus – Your partner may have a busy day and may not be able to meet you or devote much time to you.


    LUCKY COLOUR: Yellow

    CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 21)

    You may have an amazing day today. Using your innovative ideas, you can do wonders in your profession. Don’t let anything bother you. Your strong determination and skills may come into the limelight which eventually helps you get promoted. Don’t worry about your financial situation because your expenses can never cross the boundaries of your income. Have some ‘me’ time and explore your new talents. You can relax today and avoid going to the gym, swimming, or any other exercise.

    Love Focus: Wear some stylish outfits, your spouse has planned something great for you, so enjoy the day.



    AQUARIUS (Jan 22-Feb 19)

    Friends may visit your house giving an opportunity to build more happy memories. Financially, you are likely to experience a great time. Someone’s guidance on investments is likely to prove beneficial for you. Stay away from office controversies and politics as it will only hamper your peace of mind. Health needs care today. Be extra careful about what you eat and introduce some physical exercise.

    Love Focus – Taking your partner out for a holiday is likely to strengthen your relationship.


    LUCKY COLOUR: Dark Grey

    PISCES (Feb 20-Mar 20)

    You might get an opportunity to travel on your long-awaited vacation with your family. This break may give you a chance to live your life to the fullest. One of your childhood friends may call you which may feel like reliving your childhood. Your good health may take you to the next level where you may finish your work in half time. You may be honoured at your workplace for your efficient productivity and hard work. Pay attention to your family matters by taking some responsibilities over your shoulders.

    Love Focus: Avoid any disagreements with the love partner.


    LUCKY COLOUR: Dark Brown

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