In recent days, Air India has been in the news for the wrong reasons. But a heartwarming video gaining traction on social media shows a man proposing to his girlfriend mid-air on an Air India flight. The video has been posted in LinkedIn by user Ramesh Kotnana and shows the man going down on one knee to propose to the woman, who is taken aback by the romantic gesture. The video has delighted social media users who have posted sweet comments for the couple.
Watch the video:
The man booked a ticket on the same flight on which the woman was travelling to Mumbai to surprise her, according to the now-viral video.
As the clip begins, the man is seen approaching the woman’s seat while one of the passengers is recording everything. He is carrying a collage of their photos together. After reaching her seat, the man takes off his face mask and smiles.
The person who is recording the video then says “Excuse me Ma’am”, after which the camera pans to her and the woman is seen covering her mouth in disbelief.
She gets up and comes out to the middle of the plane from her window seat, and still can’t believe what is happening. The man then goes down on one knee and opens a box of ring before popping the question.
The woman exclaims “Oh my god!”, hugs the man and plants a kiss on his cheek, while fellow passengers are seen clapping.
Social media users gave thumbs up to the man for his effort. Others called it “true love” and appreciate how other people on the flight celebrated the occasion.
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