In more heartbreaks for India’s boycott gang, a prominent theatre owner in Jammu and Kashmir has finally confirmed the ‘houseful’ phenomenon surrounding Pathaan starring Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone and John Abraham among others. This was after Pathaan day 2 collection predicted more historic milestones for Shah Rukh-starrer film.
Inoz, one of India’s prominent theatre owners, said in a tweet, “Today, with #Pathaan frenzy gripping the nation, we are grateful to KING KHAN for bringing the treasured #HOUSEFULL sign back to the Kashmir Valley after 32 long years! Thank you #ShahRukhKhan𓀠 ”
Today, with #Pathaan frenzy gripping the nation, we are grateful to KING KHAN for bringing the treasured #HOUSEFULL sign back to the Kashmir Valley after 32 long years! Thank you #ShahRukhKhan𓀠 @iamsrk @thejohnabraham @deepikapadukone @YRF @PathaanTheFilm #YRF50
— INOX Leisure Ltd. (@INOXMovies) January 26, 2023
The confirmation of cinema halls going houseful due to increased demands for Shah Rukh Khan film assumes significance in light of the widespread calls for a boycott by India’s Hindutva hardliners including powerful BJP ministers. Several Hindutva supporting TV channels had claimed that there were no takers for Pathaan and the reports of phenomenal advance bookings were nothing more than PR stunts.
Reacting to the tweet by Inox Leisure Limited, several Twitter users felt that this a final confirmation to the frenzy gripping the nation over Pathaan. One wrote, “What a sight!! Thus #pathan movie isn’t just a movie anymore, its Indias emotions pride, joy, happiness and Victory. Relish it.”
Another commented, “I am from #Kashmir and i can tell you that Yes @iamsrk has brought back people to Cinema hall after more 30 years with #Pathaan. Unbelievable. This is victory of #SRK and #Bollywood & India cinema here in #Kashmir.”
Box Office Worldwide said that Pathaan’s popularity on day one globally had beaten even Hollywood Biggie Avatar The Way Of Water globally by a significant margin. Pathaan is once again destined for $ 15.50 million on day two and will again beat all films worldwide.
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