Hero Mahesh Babu unveiled the trailer of Gandhi Tatha Chettu on his social media, garnering significant attention. Featuring Sukumar Bandreddy’s daughter Sukriti Veni Bandreddy in the lead role, the film is directed by Padmavati Malladi and produced collaboratively by Mythri Movie Makers, Sukumar Writings, and Gopi Talkies. Tabitha Sukumar is presenting the movie, with production handled by Naveen Yerneni, Yalamanchili Ravishankar, and Shesha Sindhu Rao.
The movie has already made waves at various international film festivals, winning several awards. Sukriti Veni has earned accolades for her role, including the prestigious Best Child Artist award. The film is set for a global release on January 24.
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Mahesh Babu, while launching the trailer, shared his excitement: “Pleased to launch the trailer of Gandhi Tatha Chettu. It seems like a beautiful and emotional story. My best wishes to Sukriti and the entire team for this journey.”
The trailer reveals a heartfelt story about Gandhi, a young girl deeply inspired by Mahatma Gandhi’s teachings. Determined to protect her grandfather’s treasured tree and preserve the essence of her village, she adopts
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