Sonu Sood’s latest film Fateh, which he has also directed, faced challenges despite the ₹99 ticket offer, which wasn’t enough to attract a larger audience or create positive word of mouth.
The strategy seems to have backfired. Despite the goodwill Sonu Sood earned during the pandemic, nothing seems to be working in favor of the film.
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Fateh’s opening was initially expected to be poor, around ₹1 crore net or more, but current projections suggest it may open in the range of ₹40-50 lakh due to reduced ticket prices.
The ₹99 ticket pricing has failed to appeal to moviegoers. Combined with weak marketing and low publicity, the film has struggled to generate traction.
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Although Fateh is an action thriller, the reduced ticket prices have not helped, and inadequate marketing efforts have compounded the issue. Without a strong promotional push, the film has been unable to capitalize on its potential.
Looking at Game Changer, it faces a similar challenge in the Hindi-speaking market and North India, where the buzz remains low. Its opening is expected to be weak, around ₹5-6 crore, though a promotional push by the makers could raise it to ₹8-9 crore.
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Fateh poses no competition to Game Changer despite its reduced ticket prices, and the lack of impact underscores the importance of effective marketing and audience engagement strategies.