Former governor of the Reserve Bank of India Raghuram Rajan joined Congress leader Rahul Gandhi during his Bharat Jodo Yatra in Rajasthan on Wednesday morning. Sharing a picture of the two, the Congress tweeted in Hindi: “Shri Raghuram Rajan, former Governor of RBI, with @RahulGandhi ji… The increasing number of people standing up to unite the country against hatred shows that we will be successful.”
The grand old party’s Bharat Jodo Yatra is inching closer towards its 100th day of commencement. The party has decided to organise a concert in Jaipur on December 16 with a live performance by Bollywood singer Sunidhi Chauhan to mark 100 days of the Yatra, AICC General Secretary in-charge Communications Jairam Ramesh said on Tuesday.
Former governor of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Raghuram Rajan joined Congress leader Rahul Gandhi during his Bharat Jodo Yatra in Rajasthan on Wednesday morning
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Addressing a press conference in Sawai Madhopur, Ramesh said, “Rahul ji will hold a press conference on 16th in Dausa, because we will be crossing a milestone on 16th – it will be the 100th day of Bharat Jodo Yatra. Hence we thought that there should be a press conference by Rahul ji on the special occasion.”
While the 17th will be a rest day for the Rahul-led Yatra, there will be a huge rally in Alwar on 19th, the last district it will touch in Rajasthan, before moving on to Haryana.
Commenting on the purpose of the Yatra, Congress leader and former deputy chief minister Sachin Pilot on Tuesday said that the BJY was not a political yatra, but a campaign to unite the people of the country. “Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, who is leading the Bharat Jodo Yatra, is walking 30 kilometres every day. People are appreciating him and trying to connect with him, Pilot told reporters in Sawai Madhopur, PTI reported.
Meanwhile, Congress’ Rajasthan unit chief Govind Singh Dotasra said the feedback received during the yatra would be communicated to the government.
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(With inputs from PTI)