On Saturday, TV actor Tunisha Sharma died by suicide on the sets of a TV show. According to news agency ANI, she was declared dead after rushing her to a hospital in Maharashtra, as per the cops. She was starring as Shehzaadi Mariam in Ali Baba Dastaan-E-Kabul. Also read: Shivin Narang is back to work and excited to be paired opposite Fitoor actor Tunisha Sharma
ANI tweeted, “TV actress Tunisha Sharma committed suicide by hanging herself on the set of a TV serial. She was taken to a hospital where she was declared brought dead: Waliv Police.”
Tunisha made her debut with TV show, Bharat Ka Veer Putra –Maharana Pratap. She appeared in several shows such as Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat, Gabbar Poonchwala, Sher-e-Punjab: Maharaja Ranjit Singh, Internet Wala Love and Ishq Subhan Allah.
Besides this, the 20-year-old also appeared in Bollywood films in small roles. This includes Fitoor, Baar Baar Dekho where she essayed the role of Katrina Kaif‘s younger version. She was also a part of Kahaani 2: Durga Rani Singh as Minnie Sinha. Besides this, she also appeared in Salman Khan’s Dabangg 3.
During her career Tunisha collaborated with many actors and Shivin Narang was among them. Talking about working with her, Shivin had shared with Hindustan Times in 2018, “I have watched Fitoor and I found her (Tunisha) cute. And yes, I am looking forward to working with her. Until now we only had the look test and scripting session done. What we can tell about her is that she is a good actress. She has a different take towards her work as she’s just 16 years and is very new to television.”
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