Experts warn sitting for long hours can lead to premature ageing


Experts warn sitting for long hours can lead to premature ageing

Sitting for long hours can lead to multiple health concerns (Photo credit: Pixabay)

Daily physical exercise for 60-75 minutes will help to minimise the harmful consequences of sitting for prolonged periods.


  • Potential health risks of sitting for long durations include cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and obesity.
  • Common symptoms of premature ageing include changes in the condition of the skin such as the appearance of wrinkles, age spots, dryness.
  • People who spend long hours sitting at a computer should take a short break every 30 minutes and walk around.

Studies have revealed that sitting for prolonged durations is likely to accelerate the process of ageing. Longer working hours, which often require sitting at a computer for prolonged durations, have changed our lifestyle into a sedentary one. However, sitting for prolonged periods of time can be the cause of many health issues. People who sit and work in one place for long durations, often suffer from back pain.

Recently, health experts have discovered another drawback of sitting for extended hours. Recent research has revealed that sitting for long durations can quicken the process of ageing in an individual. This research study has been published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine and explains the potential health risks of sitting for long durations.

These include cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and obesity, which when combined with a physically inactive lifestyle, can lead to premature ageing.

Prolonged sitting also increases the risk of colon cancer, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, lipid disorders, excess fat around the waist, elevated bad cholesterol levels, depression and anxiety. Experts warn that in some cases, a sedentary lifestyle can even cause premature death.

Due to premature ageing, the individual appears to be older than his actual age. Common symptoms of premature ageing include changes in the condition of the skin such as the appearance of wrinkles, age spots, dryness, loss of skin tone, hyperpigmentation and sunken cheeks.

It is essential to take certain precautionary measures in order to prevent the onset of premature ageing, due to the adverse effects of sitting for long durations. Exercise is one of the best ways to delay ageing. Daily physical exercise for 60-75 minutes will help to minimise the harmful consequences of sitting for prolonged periods.

People who spend long hours sitting at a computer should take a short break every 30 minutes and walk around. They should stand while talking on the phone, occasionally put the laptop on a counter or periodically stand at their desk. They should choose the stairs over elevators and escalators. This will help to keep the body fit.

(The information contained in this article is for the purpose of knowledge and information only. In case of doubt, an expert must be consulted.)

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