On Tuesday, ‘Drishyam 2’ continued with its steady run and added Rs 5 crore nett to its total. At the end of 12 days, ‘Drishyam 2’ has scored a total collection of over Rs 150 crore nett, reports boxofficeindia. The film has earned around Rs 49 crore nett from Mumbai/Gujarat circuits and the number is expected to cross the 60 crore nett mark by the end of the week. With this hold, ‘Drishyam 2’ could beat the collection of ‘Brahmastra’ in the Mumbai/Saurashtra markets. Interestingly, the current trend suggests that ‘Drishyam 2’ may also race ahead of the lifetime collection of ‘Brahmastra’, which was Rs 230 crore nettt.
‘Drishyam 2’ has emerged as a huge competitor for Varun Dhawan and Kriti Sanon starrer ‘Bhediya’. On its fifth day at the box office, this horror drama recorded a further drop in collection. The film has reportedly scored around Rs 3.25 crore nett on Tuesday, taking its total collection to approximately Rs 33.25 crore nett. Helmed by Amar Kaushik, ‘Bheidya also features Kriti Sanon, Deepak Dobriyal and Abhishek Banerjee in pivotal roles.