Dil Raju is one of the top producers in the Telugu industry. He has also produced a few films in Hindi. Now he is venturing into the Tamil industry with Thalapathy Vijay’s Varisu. He recently became the talk of the town when he commented that Vijay is a bigger star than Ajith.

In one of the recent interviews, the star producer cum distributor spoke about Spyder and Agnyathavasi’s debacles. Dil Raju said that he faced the biggest financial damage due to both these films and added that he was able to sustain it due to the consecutive hits he had as a producer in 2017.

Dil Raju commented that if it were someone else, they would have either committed suicide or run away from the industry. Dil Raju said that he gave a fancy rate of 27 crores and bought Pawan’s Agnyathavasi rights, which also was a big disappointment.

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