Dhamaka is an action comedy film written and directed by Trinadha Rao Nakkina and produced by Abhishek Agarwal and T G Vishwa Prasad, under the People Media Factory and Abhishek Agarwal Arts banners. Cinematography has been done by Karthik Ghattamaneni. The film stars Ravi Teja in a dual role alongside Sree Leela and Jayaram.
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Dhamaka Show time. Ravi Teja fans gets a special Thank You in Titles.
6:15 PM : Movie opens up with Ravi Teja getting hit. Sachin Kedkar is an industrialist who doesn’t have much time left to live. The intro fight is a typical Ravi Teja type of fight with tinge of comedy.
6:50 PM EST: Ravi Teja gets seen in two different characters, Swamy(a middle class guy ) and a rich guy Anand Chakravarthy as Son of Sachin. Jayaram wants to acquire Sachin’s company forcefully.
First Half Report : 1st half of #Dhamaka is an entertaining with vintage Ravi Teja characterization, it has adequate comedy with a suspense element. Second half decides the fate of the movie.
Final Report: #Dhamaka is a routine entertainer with a predictable story but has all the elements of a commercial potboiler. Even though movie has a routine treatment movie is not boring due to its plot. RaviTeja’s vintage characterization, Bheem’s songs and Sreelela’s dances makes it a worthy watch.