Devoleena Bhattacharjee has tied the knot. The actress, who has been sharing glimpses of her bridal look, posted some images with her husband on Instagram. The Bigg Boss 13 fame also shared some moments from what seemed like her haldi ceremony on her Instagram handle earlier. Now it has been confirmed that Devoleena has indeed married. She has tied the nuptial knot with the gym trainer Shahnawaz Sheikh in Lonavala in an intimate ceremony attended by her close ones.
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Devoleena Bhattacharjee ties the knot
Devoleena Bhattacharjee’s ‘wedding’ look has been going viral on social media. In some of the photos, she flaunted the kaleere and traditional Bengali bangles shankha pola. Many on social media are speculating who her husband is as he was not seen in any of the pictures that have been shared online until now. Confirming her marriage, Devoleena shared some photos with her husband who was dressed in a black suit. She wrote in the caption, “And yes proudly i can say i am taken & yes shonu “ CHIRAAG LEKAR BHI DHOONDTI TOH TUJH JAISA NAHI MILTA. You are the answer of my pain & prayers. I LOVE YOU SHONU. Lots of love to you all. Keep us in your prayers & bless us. THE MYSTERIOUS MAN urff The Famous #SHONU AND TUM SAB K JIJA (sic).”
Devoleena’s wedding took place in Lonavala
As per a report, Devoleena’s marriage ceremony took place in Lonavala. The wedding was an intimate affair. Only a few friends like Vishal Singh and Bhavini Purohit and Devoleena’s family members attended the wedding. The couple has reportedly registered for the wedding beforehand. In the photos shared on social media, both Devoleena and her husband looked blissed out upon entering this new phase in their lives.
Devoleena rose to fame after playing the role of Gopi Bahu in the popular daily soap Saath Nibhaana Saathiya. Later on, she participated in Bigg Boss 13 and entered Bigg Boss 15 as a wildcard contestant.
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