A team of vigilance officers in Faridabad managed to catch a cop taking bribes in a buffalo theft case. But what happened next took the probe agency by surprise.
The video of the incident surfaced, showing the Sub-Inspector, Mahendra Ula, being overpowered by vigilance department officers. The officials corner the cop and try to recover the money he swallowed in a jiffy after being caught.
In the video, the police officer was seen grounded, one of the officials even put his fingers in the cop’s mouth to recover the money but struggled due to stiff resistance by the sub-inspector, while another person tried to intervene but was pushed away by another vigilance officer.
According to officials, the cop demanded a bribe from a man to take action against an accused in a buffalo theft case.
The officer demanded Rs 10,000 from the victim, Shubhnath, whose Buffalo was stolen.
The victim had already given Rs 6,000 to the officer, but before giving the remaining amount, Shubhnath filed a complaint against the officer to the vigilance department.
The vigilance officers planned to catch the officer, a trap was laid and the cop was caught red-handed.