Megastar Chiranjeevi is set to team up with the promising director Srikanth Odela for an exciting new project. Currently immersed in his socio-fantasy film Vishwambhara, directed by Vasisshta, Chiranjeevi is said to have given the green signal for his next big film.
Director Srikanth Odela, who has already impressed audiences with his work on Dasara starring Nani, is working on a new venture titled The Paradise. However, his next endeavor will see him collaborate with the megastar.
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It is heard that, Srikanth Odela recently approached Chiranjeevi with a unique and power-packed story, and the megastar liked it completely. In fact, Chiranjeevi’s immediate approval after the narration speaks volumes about the script’s strength.
The film will be produced by Sudhakar Cherukuri under the prestigious SLV Cinemas banner. The production is expected to be on a big canvas, and it will be the most expensive one for Chiranjeevi.
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Srikanth Odela will be working on both The Paradise starring Nani, and Chiranjeevi’s film simultaneously.