Chiranjeevi, who will be next seen in Waltair Veerayya, recently interacted with the press. He shared many interesting things, one of which was about people criticizing his brother and Powerstar Pawan Kalyan. Chiru said he used to feel a lot when someone talked badly about his brother.

Chiranjeevi said that Pawan Kalyan is just like his child whom he has raised. Chiru stated that Pawan doesn’t have any desire for money or power and added that until recently, Pawan didn’t have his own house. A great and selfless person like Pawan entered politics with an aim to eradicate the corruption there, said Chiranjeevi.

He said criticism is quite common in politics, but a few are crossing the line, which is disturbing him significantly. Chiru said those who abused his brother would invite him to their family functions. Chiru added that he felt terrible talking to those abusers again, who, on one side, are targeting Pawan.

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