
    Life and style

    Be more avian! Why stressed Chinese students are pretending to be birds | Life and style

    Name: Human birds.Age: SQUAWK!What? I’m asking about age, why are you squawking? TWIT TWOO!I get it, you’re being a bird. CHIRRUP CHIRRUP! And...

    Why do I love Greggs? Let me count the ways | Zoe Williams

    At the height of the vegan sausage roll furore, I was idly looking around for other things to like about Greggs, beyond that...

    A bolt of lightning struck my plane – and I plunged 3,000m into a rainforest | Life and style

    Juliane Diller’s mother had booked herself and her daughter seats in the penultimate row of Lansa flight 508 from Lima to Pucallpa in...

    From RFK Jr’s dead bear to a shot dog, why do US politicians keep throwing us red meat? | Zoe Williams

    I had never really engaged with how spooky Robert F Kennedy Jr looked until I saw him describe, in a video, the circumstances...

    The £2.20 cup of tea: is this too much to pay for a hot drink? | Tea

    Name: Tea.Age: Thousands of years old.Cost: £2.20.How much?! £2.20.For a teabag and some hot water? That’s an outrage. Well, it’s what the Toast...

    The dead hang delight: how this quick, surprisingly simple exercise can change your life | Fitness

    As a species, we humans have been hanging around for quite a while. Scientific opinions vary on when our ancestors stopped travelling by...

    Reuse that teabag! Ignore that special offer! It’s time to join the underconsumer revolution | Emma Beddington

    ‘I never want to own anything again,” messaged my son, packing up after a year abroad. He was experiencing the self-loathing rite of...

    ‘The horses don’t choose to take part’: should equestrian sports be removed from the Olympics? | Equestrianism

    The video begins with a warning: “Some viewers may find the following footage distressing.” Then there is the sound: the whoosh and crack...

    I always expect a warm welcome in Ireland. But Galway blew me away | Adrian Chiles

    When it comes to friendliness and fun, I hold the Irish to higher standards than people of other countries. So when the chap...

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