
​Cold, Flu, and Covid: 5 Ingredients to boost immunity against all

Winter's arrival signals the shift in the weather that causes colds and the flu. However, the recent emergence of COVID has made the...

Intermittent Fasting May Not Help With Weight Loss

New study finds eating during certain windows has no impact on weight.Other recent research has not linked intermittent fasting to weight loss.Experts say...

Structure of ‘live’ virus successfully reconstructed, could help reduce threat of anti-bacterial resistance in humans: Study

A researcher has created the first ever computer reconstruction of a virus, including its complete native genome, according to a study. Although other researchers...

Study, Health News, ET HealthWorld

London: A researcher has created the first ever computer reconstruction of a virus, including its complete native genome, according to a study. Although...

Cervical cancer: Unprotected sex can increase the risk of the disease

Every year, January is observed as the Cervical Cancer Awareness Month to spread awareness about this disease. Many people’s queries revolve around sexual...

Long-lasting coughs may be a sign of one infection after another, warn experts – Times of India

Long-lasting coughs may be a sign of one infection after another, warn experts  Times of IndiaWinter coughs are lasting longer this year | Dr...

Study reveals expanding gene therapy for rare disease that causes blindness, Health News, ET HealthWorld

Houston (US): In an effort to treat the rare genetic condition Usher Syndrome Type 2A (USH2A), a University of Houston researcher is developing...

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