

    Fasting could reverse Type 2 diabetes, new study suggests

    In a new study carried out by Chinese researchers, almost half of a group of people who fasted intermittently experienced remission of their...

    Predictive models using serum miRNAs may offer objective criteria for referral to early palliative care services

    A new research paper was published in Oncotarget's Volume 13 on...

    10 common dietary antiaging supplements you should to know about

    Aging is a natural and inevitable process. You can’t run from the fact that living organisms like us have to deal with...

    Red Food Dye Linked to Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

    Skittles, Doritos, Gatorade, Jell-O, Fruit Loops, and many other top-selling food products contain a synthetic dye called Allura Red AC that, consumed too...

    Influenza season continues patient volume rise in Winnipeg

    The number of patients requiring intensive care at Winnipeg’s Children’s Hospital continues to be...

    D-Bal Reviews (Crazy Bulk) Natural Legal Steroid Alternative for Anabolic Gains?

    Chances are you are not one of the meager 4% of people who can effortlessly resemble a Greek god no matter how much...

    weight gain: Wondering why you gain more weight despite eating same amount of food as others? The answer is in your gut

    We finally may know why some people gain weight easily and quickly in contrast to those who remain lean or skinny despite eating...

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