
    Health & wellbeing

    ‘They handled me like a carcass!’: why are so many men now ‘manscaping’? | Life and style

    You may have seen the adverts before the Paris Olympics. Tom Daley, in what Pink News called a “thirsty” campaign for Gillette, is...

    ‘Women feel like failures if they haven’t had a “normal” birth’: how the NCT has shaped childbirth in the UK | Childbirth

    In May, charity representatives, campaigners and MPs gathered in parliament to hear the then Conservative MP Theo Clarke launch the UK’s first national...

    ‘It felt shameful’: the profound loneliness of modern motherhood | Parents and parenting

    One of the weirdest experiences for me in early motherhood was a recurrent image or sense, when I was walking down the street,...

    Forget plasma infusions – the secrets of longevity are much more simple and fun | Arwa Mahdawi

    Health and wellness advice tends to be obvious and irritating. Eat more vegetables! Drink less booze! Exercise! Who wants to hear all that,...

    The foot phenomenon: simple, surprising ways to improve your balance, health – and longevity | Life and style

    It’s 11 o’clock on a Thursday morning and I would normally be bashing away at a keyboard or on the phone to a...

    The dead hang delight: how this quick, surprisingly simple exercise can change your life | Fitness

    As a species, we humans have been hanging around for quite a while. Scientific opinions vary on when our ancestors stopped travelling by...

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