

    A wild dog catches a wildebeest: Jonathan Scott’s best photograph | Photography

    My wife Angie and I have spent much of our careers as photographers focusing on big cats in the Maasai Mara reserve in...

    Why bother going on holiday when you can watch other people’s on social media? | Emma Beddington

    I haven’t been on holiday this summer, but don’t start tuning the tiny violins. I derive an unusual satisfaction from working when others...

    ‘The last wild places’: the Venice show about Earth’s spiralling salt marsh crisis | Installation

    Eerie, desolate wastes in old novels, salt marshes are still seen as flat, grey and inhospitable landscapes today. Rainforests, meadows, oceans and even...

    So Starbucks’ CEO commutes to work by private jet? Let’s not pretend the super-rich care about the planet | Arwa Mahdawi

    Jesus, if I remember correctly, usually travelled by donkey or by foot. Today’s corporate saviours, however, have more elevated tastes. Last week Starbucks...

    Demand for AI is driving data center water consumption sky high

    The AI boom is fueling the demand for data centers and, in turn, driving up water consumption. (Water is used to cool the...

    The rise of ‘ento-veganism’: how eating crickets could help save the world | Insects

    It is a warm summer afternoon in Finsbury Park, north London, and I am sitting in a restaurant preparing to eat a cricket...

    A bolt of lightning struck my plane – and I plunged 3,000m into a rainforest | Life and style

    Juliane Diller’s mother had booked herself and her daughter seats in the penultimate row of Lansa flight 508 from Lima to Pucallpa in...

    How can Wayanad reduce landslide risks?

    A man examines the site of his house, which was destroyed by the landslide in Chooralmala on July 31, 2024. | Photo Credit: Thulasi...

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