Star actor Suriya gave a huge shock to fans by opting out of director Bala’s Vanangaan. The film’s plot is said to have been changed by director Bala, and hence Suriya came out of the project. Bala also stated that this changed story wouldn’t be suiting Suriya.

It was also announced that the project would be resumed with another actor. The latest buzz in the Kollywood film circles is that noted actor Arun Vijay will be replacing Suriya in the project. Earlier, there were rumors that Atharva would be roped in as a substitute for Suriya.

Now the buzz is very strong that Bala is considering Arun Vijay for the protagonist role. If the rumors are believed to be true, it will be the first project for the actor under the direction of Bala. The latest sensation, Krithi Shetty, is playing the female lead.

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