Producer Bhushan Kumar, the man behind Bollywood’s top production house T-Series, has slammed actors in the film industry who charge a hefty sum of ₹20-25 crores for a single film and it is the makers who have to face the brunt of the losses later. The producer said in a recent interview that he is done pampering Bollywood actors to star in a film. (Also read: Karan Johar slams actors who ask for ₹20 cr fee but can’t assure ₹5 cr opening: ‘Might be murdered for saying this’)
In an interview with Pinkvilla, Bhushan Kumar was asked about actor’s fees and how actors must charge according to the film’s budget. With reference to the comment he made during the promotion of Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2, he said that the scenario has definitely changed with some actors who have become more understanding. But at the same time, there are some who have failed to understand as well.
Bhushan said, “Lekin abhi still some actors are there, who say ki ‘nahi, hum toh itna hi lenge, warna nahi karenge.’ Toh hum unke saath nahi kar rahe. Hum unko bol rahe hain, ‘mat karo, we also don’t want to do.’ Hum nuksan ke liye kyu karenge? So many people have suffered losses in big films and we have seen that. So why we should give you money and we suffer loss, and you earn such a big amount? Ki aap ₹20 crore, 25 crore lelo and hum nuksaan kare film. In which we are also earning, the project is also safe, the project is not becoming heavy. But jahaa pe project aapka cost itni cost nahi le sakta, waha pe hum actors se baat kar rahe hai (Still now there are some actors who say things like, ‘We will charge this amount or we won’t work.’ So, we are not working with them, we are saying ‘its fine, don’t do it then.’ Why should be give in to losses?… That you charge ₹20 crores 25 crores, and we will suffer the losses with the film…When the question comes to a project that is small and cannot take the cost that large, there we are in talks with the actor).”
Recently Karan Johar had also called out certain actors in the industry who charge a hefty amount of around ₹20 crore for a single film but fail to secure even a ₹5 crore opening. In the same interview, Bhushan also confirmed that Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 is in the works and might be set for a release date in 2025.
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