Ajay Devgn delivered a monstrous hit with Drishyam 2, which is among the top-grossing Bollywood films in the last year. The actor’s next release is Bholaa, which is the remake of the Tamil blockbuster Kaithi. Recently the movie’s teaser was released, which received a nice response.

The makers have now unveiled a new poster of the star actor. Ajay Devgn looks stunning in a black outfit with a trident behind him. The second teaser will be releasing on 24th January. Ajay has a huge following among the masses, and if the content clicks, the box office will be on fire once again.

The star actor himself is directing the movie, and it is said that some huge changes to made compared to the original. Tabu and Amala Paul play crucial roles in this action drama. Ajay Devgn Ffilms, Dream Warrior Pictures, T-Series, and Reliance Entertainment jointly produce this biggie. Ravi Basrur of KGF fame is composing the tunes. The movie releases on 30th March and will also be out in IMAX 3D format.

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