Bhojpuri actor and singer Sneh Upadhyaya‘s video latest Instagram reel has gone viral. Sneh’s video has garnered more than a whopping 1.3 crore views in just four days. The actress lip-synched to singer Khushboo Tiwari’s song ‘Pata loge’ and captioned it, ‘Kya lagta hai pta loge.. waah darling what a song’. Her fans loved Sneh’s video and showered love on it in the comments section. Some hilarious comments read, ‘Maharashtrian ke liye kuch bhi nahi bola ye to nainsafi hai hamare sath’, ‘Aao kabhi UP main’ and ‘patna ki bhi pategi aur dilli ki bhi dill degi bass sarkari naukri honi chahiye’.
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