Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan has wrapped the filming of his debut series, Stardom. In videos surfacing on X, Aryan was seen hosting a grand wrap party with his cast and crew present at the venue. One of the videos showed Aryan, who will be debuting as a director with the series, cutting into a three tier cake while his crew members cheered him on. Bobby Deol, who will be a part of the series, was also present at the party.
In another video, he was seen praising the crew members who helped him complete the filming of the series. He was also heard giving his best wishes to one of the crew members who will be a part of Ranbir Kapoor’s Ramayana. The venue featured a massive background poster featuring some of the best Red Chillies movies, including the posters of Om Shanti Om, Zero and Main Hoon Na. Watch the videos below:
Stardom marks Aryan Khan’s first series. Mid-Day reported Aryan has been busy shooting for Stardom for the whole of April at locations like a studio in Andheri East to Madh Island. Earlier this month, he took over the sprawling Royal Palms in Goregaon for a five-day shoot of the series. The shooting has been going on swiftly and the current schedule will wrap by the end of this week.
According to a report by the Hindustan Times sources, Mona Singh was filming for the series in Goa. A source told the publication, “It’s a very interesting project, and she is getting to do something really different. The series will present her in a very different avatar. She is really enjoying her time working on set with Aryan. At the moment, Singh is busy shooting for the project in Goa, and it’s a long shoot schedule. Earlier, she shot for the project in Mumbai and Delhi. When it comes to her role, everything is being kept under wraps.”
“Aryan is keeping an eye on things to make sure no footage from the shoot goes online. He knows just how to explain scenes, which makes the work much easier. His vision is quite clear. He employs words to describe the scene in detail, which allows actors to perform to their full potential,” the source added.
Although Stardom marks Aryan’s first series, he had directed an ad last year featuring his father, Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan.
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first published: May 26, 2024, 13:59 IST