Salman Khan and Rashmika Mandanna’s upcoming film ‘Sikandar’ is all set to enter its final shooting schedule on January 10th, 2025. Directed by A.R. Murugadoss, the film is trying hard to meet its pre-decided release date of Eid 2025.
The makers have confirmed that the post-production work, including editing and graphics, will be happening simultaneously with the final shoot, thus reducing the chances of any potential delay.
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But this forced commitment has worried the fans, who fear that this rush may lead to a decrease in the overall production quality, with key areas like visual effects and re-recording being compromised.
Such a hurry can turn out to bite back those involved, considering the fact that Sikandar is a high-stakes film for many.
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For Salman, Sikandar is a way to regain his dwindling stardom after a series of flops, especially as he has no other projects lined up for the next 2 years.
The film is a key moment in Rashmika’s career as well, who has been enjoying back-to-back hits and naturally, will not want a halt on her success train with Sikandar.
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Even director A.R. Murugadoss has to prove a point with a hit, as many have been calling him ‘outdated’ for the current industry dynamics.
Same with producer Sajid Nadiadwala, who will be looking to break his streak of flops since the pandemic.
It has also been revealed that parts of the film that were to be shot in foreign locations such as London, are now being shot in Mumbai, which fans worry is a hint at the vast budget cuts and compromises.
With the production being hurried to meet deadlines, it seems that Murugadoss is taking Salman lightly, while not being serious about the film.
With the release date now less than 3 months away, it will be interesting to see whether Sikandar succeeds in delivering on its promises, or turns out a flop for Salman yet again.