Cupertino-based tech giant Apple launched the MacBook Air laptop along with its latest M2 chipset recently. The MacBook Air comes at a starting price of Rs 1,19,900. However, the laptop is currently available for under Rs 1 lakh on a popular e-commerce website, Amazon.
Although there is no such sale event going on the platform, a discount is still being given on the MacBook Air M2.
If you were waiting for a price drop, well then this is the best time to get the laptop. Here’s everything you need to know about the latest price deal.
MacBook Air M2: Amazon Price Deal
In order to purchase the new M2 MacBook Air, the device has recently received a discount of Rs 14,400 on Amazon, this means that the device is now priced from Rs 1,19,900 to Rs 1,05,500.
In addition to this discount, Amazon will also provide an instant discount of Rs 6,000 on HDFC debit and credit cards. Upon combining both discounts, the price will go down to Rs 99,000.
This will be the cheapest the device has cost ever since it was launched.
MacBook Air M2: Specifications, features
For all those who don’t know, the all-new MacBook Air sports a 13.6-inch Pro-retina display and comes powered with the new generation of Apple M-series processor, which is M2.
The laptop comes with 8 GB RAM and a 256 GB SSD storage model.
According to the company, Apple iPhone 14 is said to be 25 per cent brighter than before.
The laptop also comes with an aluminium unibody enclosure. Other than this, the device also comes with MagSafe charging.
The laptop will also offer its users several charging options, a new 1080p FaceTime HD camera and a four-speaker sound system.
Confused about whether you should buy it? Well, if the price mentioned above falls within your budget and you desperately want the device now, then you should go for it as the laptop has received a massive price discount.
ALSO READ | Apple iPhone 14 selling at under Rs 60,000 on Flipkart: How deal works and should you buy?