Former actor Anu Aggarwal recalled an incident that took place in Mumbai’s Marine Drive in 1991 when thousands of people surrounded her car and started banging on it. In a new interview, Anu spoke about how it was for the first time in her life that she experienced fear. She also talked about leaving her vehicle and taking a taxi to escape the situation. (Also Read | Anu Aggarwal on if she will return to Indian Idol after show chopped her speech)
Anu said that she had cherry colour big car which was rare in India in 1991. Speaking on the incident, Anu said that when people saw her car they left their vehicles and ran towards hers at the traffic signal. She said that even though she had dark screens on the windows people recognised her car.
In an interview with Siddharth Kannan, Anu said, “They started banging my car, my windows shouting, ‘Anu, Anu’. There was no driver, I was driving the car. I was thinking, ‘They will break my car, pull me out.’ I’m a fearless child, first time in my life I experienced fear. Thousands of people beating my car, screaming ‘Anu’. Unka haath mere pe pad jaata toh pata nahi kya hota mera (Had they got hold of me, what would have happened to me). That kind of madness.”
“I jumped out of the car from another door, ran towards a taxi, got into the taxi, and left the car there. I was going to the Taj for dinner, I had a meeting there. They said, ‘What happened? Where’s your car? I said, ‘It’s there, standing on Marine Drive’. Those days we didn’t have cell phones. The people I was having a meeting with their driver went, picked up my car and dropped it at my home. It’s like helplessness,” she added.
Anu appeared in the Doordarshan serial Isi Bahane in 1988. She made her Bollywood debut with the blockbuster Aashiqui in 1990. She has been part of several films such as Ghazab Tamasha (1992), Thiruda Thiruda, Khal-Naaikaa and King Uncle (1993), Janam Kundli (1995), and Return of Jewel Thief (1996).