Actor Anjali, who was recently pushed by Nandamuri Balakrishna on stage at a promotional event, has broken her silence. Taking to X (formerly Twitter) on Friday, Anjali shared a video from the event. (Also Read | Nandamuri Balakrishna pushes actor Anjali at an event; Hansal Mehta asks ‘who is this scumbag’)
Anjali posts clip with Nandamuri Balakrishna
In the clip, Nandamuri Balakrishna and Anjali were seen having conversations, high-fiving as well as sharing laughs. Nandamuri Balakrishna pushing Anjali was also part of the clip. After he pushed her, Anjali was seen laughing.
Anjali shares a note
Sharing the clip, Anjali tweeted, “I want to thank Balakrishna Garu for gracing the Gangs of Godavari pre-release event with his presence. I would like to express that Balakrishna garu and I have always maintained mutual respect for each other and we share a great friendship from a long time. It was wonderful to share the stage with him again.”
Celebrities criticised and defended Nandamuri Balakrishna
After the video emerged on social media platforms, several celebrities slammed Nandamuri Balakrishna, while many of them defended him. Reacting to the video on X, singer Chinmayi Sripaada tweeted on Thursday, “One of the biggest problems that I notice from people sharing this ‘Look at her laughing. She should have _____’ 1. It is NOT possible to respond according to your spectator response as you watch this on your device. This most moral policing, holier than thou – pure as driven snow – Harishchandra /Sri Ramachandramoorthy or their relative incarnates will fail to understand.”
She added, “2. Society itself refuses to hold men in power who misbehave responsible; Especially when they come from money, caste and political power. Don’t come and tell women what to say and how to behave when you have everything to gain and nothing to lose.” Hansal Mehta and Nakuul Mehta criticised Nandamuri Balakrishna.
What happened at the event
Nandamuri was on the stage as a special guest at a promotional event for Krishna Chaitanya’s upcoming Telugu film Gangs of Godavari. As he came to the centre of the stage, he first asked the film’s actors – Neha Shetty (in a grey ethnic look) and Anjali (in a saree) – to step aside. Moments later, he pushed Anjali away, almost making her tumble and fall. Anjali laughed, along with Neha and others on stage.
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