Actor Anil Kapoor, who will be next seen in the official Hindi remake of The Night Manager, has spoken about his series 24, which released in India in 2013. In a new interview, Anil said that a decade ago many industry people were hesitant to do a long format show. He also added that he too was advised by his colleagues to not do the American TV series. (Also Read | Anil Kapoor says it’s become ‘tougher’ to impress audience after decades in films)
The idea of a limited TV series didn’t excite many people in India back then, said Anil. The third season of the show didn’t materialise, possibly due to budget issues, he added. Anil bought the official rights to the hit espionage drama, which was launched in India on a TV channel in 2013. He adapted 24 for Indian television following his stint in the international version. Season 2 of 24 aired in 2016.
In an interview with news agency PTI, Anil said, “Even when I was doing 24 internationally everybody said you are a big screen, mainstream actor, how can you go to television. For me, it is always about the story and role. I wanted to experience it (TV), no matter what happens. I wanted to get that world back here as it was very exciting. The way I pitched 24 to all the platforms (here) was, ‘I am going to give you 24 good films’ but nobody took me seriously except for a few of them.”
Anil also said that the “trickiest” job for an actor is to wait for right roles and avoid getting boxed into stereotypical characters. “Before they can box you, you move to the next. You are ready to fail, ready to fall flat, and all of that. I knew there is a possibility that it might go wrong but I was taking that plunge. And at times, there is greed and you feel that there might not be any role that will be offered to you. But then you sit at home, relax with family, and then the right offer comes to you,” the actor added.
Anil’s The Night Manager is the Hindi adaptation of John le Carre’s novel of the same name. A British series on the novel has been made with Tom Hiddleston, Hugh Laurie, Elizabeth Debicki and Olivia Colman. The Indian version is created and directed by Sandeep Modi. Anil will step into a role that was essayed by Hugh Laurie.
The Night Manager also features Aditya Roy Kapur, Shobita Dhulipala, Tillotama Shome, Saswata Chatterjee and Ravi Behl in pivotal roles. It premieres on February 17. Apart from this, Anil will also be seen in Animal with Ranbir Kapoor and Fighter with Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone.