Anil Kapoor beams with joy as he holds grandson Vayu in pic shared by Sonam | Bollywood

Sonam Kapoor shared a precious picture of father Anil Kapoor holding her son Vayu as she wished him on his 66th birthday on Instagram. She followed it with several pictures from her own childhood. She also penned a sweet note along with the pics. Also read: Anil Kapoor posts dad Surinder Kapoor’s pic with Dilip Kumar, one with Raj Kapoor in Peshawar on his birth anniversary

Sharing them on Instagram, Sonam Kapoor wrote, “Happy happy birthday to the best dad in the whole world. I love you . You’re the greatest and the best. Everything you do you do for us, everyone should be this blessed. Love you Daddy @anilskapoor #blessedwiththebest #girldad #24122022 #christmaseve 24 Dec 2022.”

The first picture showed Anil beaming with joy as he held his little grandson Vayu Kapoor Ahuja in his arms. The baby’s face was hidden with a heart sticker in the picture. Sonam shared several childhood pictures of herself as a little girl along with it. One of them showed her sitting on his shoulders while another showed her and her sister Rhea Kapoor playing with him on bed.

During his chat with George Clooney at Hindustan Times Leadership Summit last month, Anil had opened up for the first time about how he felt after becoming a grandfather. He said, “When I became a father, I couldn’t process it. It took me some time to process it. I am still in a process.”

He had accompanied Sonam and her husband Anand Ahuja as they flew to Austria with Vayu for a quiet vacation. About bonding with Vayu on the trip, he said, “I was in Austria, I started slowly connecting with my grandson. His name is Vayu, means wind. I took him for a walk, (there was) beautiful weather. He was looking at the sky and the sun and trying to eat. That was his first exposure to the universe, to the planet, to the nature. It was wonderful to see how he was reacting to it. I am slowly and steadily connecting with him, much quicker than I connected with my children.”

Sonam is married to Anand Ahuja and settled down in London post wedding in 2018. They welcomed their son Vayu in August this year.

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