“Dark Knight” is an emotional thriller story film produced by Suresh Reddy Kovvuri and presented by Patolla Venkat Reddy under the banner of P 19 TRANSMEDIA STUDIOS in the role of Purna Pradana. Currently, the dubbing is being done after the production has been completed. This film is directed by GR Aditya. Poorna stars Trigun (Adit Arun) opposite her, while Vidharth, Subhasree Rayaguru and others are playing key roles.
On this occasion, producer Suresh Reddy Kovvuri said: “She was selected as the heroine in this film after seeing her performance in the emotional thriller films ‘Aaunu 1’ and ‘Aaunu 2’ which came out in Telugu. It was only with those films that she got good recognition in Telugu. The movie “Dark Knight” is made with an emotional thriller story in line with the films.Tamil writer and director G.R.Aditya has crafted this film in a way that leaves the audience mesmerized with unexpected twists and supernatural elements throughout. A gripping story with intricately woven emotions between the four main characters. “Dark Knight” is an all-out emotional thriller that keeps the audience engrossed, and has scenes that will keep them on the edge of their seats till the end.In a way, the film makes the audience feel like they are running on a thrilling emotional rollercoaster.” Music director Miskin has breathed life into the thrilling visuals with the signature BGM and composed background music.
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