Telugu audiences witnessed the box office potential of Balakrishna with the film Akhanda which is the actor’s highest-grosser. However, it looks like the actor is going to erase Akhanda’s collections with his new movie Veera Simha Reddy directed by Gopichand Malineni. The film is slated for the 12th January release.

These days fan-made posters look no less than the original posters, and now an ardent fan has showered his love for Balayya by designing a poster. Seen here in the poster is Balayya giving a punch to a goon who is trying to attack him.

The poster quality is stunning, and for a moment, fans assumed it to be the original poster from Mythri team. This particular shot is from the first hunt teaser. Shruthi Haasan is the heroine, while Duniya Vijay and Varalaxmi Sarathkumar play essay key roles in this action flick.

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