All You Need to Know about Random Blood Sugar Levels


A random blood sugar test is carried out to check our blood sugar levels at random intervals during the day. This is the first test used to get a quick diagnosis of diabetes. It is also useful for people with diabetes who may be undergoing an emergency and require a supplementary insulin dosage. 

What Does a Random Blood Sugar Test measure? 

We get energy from sugar, and the carbs we consume get broken down to produce energy when required. However, when excess glucose is collected, it can either be stored as glycogen in the liver or as triglycerides in the fat tissues for long-term storage. Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas that facilitates the uptake, utilisation, and storage of glucose after it has been absorbed by the intestine. This insulin influences how glucose is transported to organs like the brain, heart, and working muscles. Moreover, it also guides the storage of excess glucose in the body. The primary function of insulin is to reduce the random blood sugar levels in the blood. 

After meals, the blood sugar levels increase, and the pancreas secretes insulin to bring this level back to normal. A random blood glucose test can help determine the amount of glucose in the blood at any point during the day. If the test shows an imbalance or abnormality, your doctor may prescribe further tests to reach a diagnosis. High blood glucose levels can indicate disorders such as insulin resistance and diabetes. 

How Should You Prepare for Random Blood Sugar Test? 

No special preparations are required for this test. You do not need to be fasting to get proper results in this test. 

Who Performs Random Blood Sugar Tests? 

A phlebotomist draws the blood required to test random blood sugar levels. However, any healthcare professional trained to draw blood can perform this test. The samples are then sent to the lab for analysis. 

What Should You Expect During a Random Blood Sugar Test? 

While getting a Random Blood Glucose test, you can expect the following during the blood draw: 

  • You have to sit comfortably on a chair in the lab, and the phlebotomist will look for an easily accessible vein, usually on the inner side of the arm.
  • Once the vein is located, they will wipe and disinfect the area using an alcohol swab.
  • Next, a tiny needle will be inserted into your vein, and a blood sample will be drawn. You may feel a slight pinch.
  • Once enough blood sample is collected, the needle will be removed, and gauze will be placed over the site to stop further bleeding.
  • A band-aid may be placed over the site to finish the process. 

The Results 

After a random blood sugar test, if the result shows higher random blood sugar levels, this means you are at a higher risk of getting diabetes. High glucose levels can also suggest: 

  • Kidney disease
  • Pancreatitis
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Hyperthyroidism 

On the other hand, if the results show low glucose levels, it may indicate disorders such as: 

  • Liver disease
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Excessive use of diabetes medications or insulin 

What Factors Can Affect the Results? 

Our blood glucose levels continually change throughout the day. They are affected by our food intake and any physical activity or exercise we do during the day. Other factors that may affect our blood glucose levels include: 

  • Eating excessive amounts of food
  • Low physical exertion
  • Side effects of certain medications
  • Stress
  • Illness
  • Menstruation
  • Dehydration
  • Pain

A variety of factors can decrease our blood glucose levels as well. These include: 

  • Eating less or no food
  • Side effects of certain medications
  • Intense physical exertion
  • Drinking alcohol 

What Should You Eat to Keep Random Blood Sugar Levels Under Control? 

Here are some of the best foods you can consume to keep your random blood sugar levels under control.

  • Fatty fish: Fatty fishes such as sardines, anchovies, salmon, and herring are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, EPA, and DHA, which are great for people with diabetes, as they are said to be at an increased risk of stroke and heart disease. EPA and DHA line the blood vessels, improve their functioning, and reduce inflammation.
  • Leafy greens: Green leafy vegetables are low in calories but highly nutritious. They are low in carbs and get absorbed entirely without affecting our blood sugar levels.
  • Avocados: Avocados are extremely low in carbohydrates, have high fibre content, and have healthy fats. Due to this, they provide us with various essential nutrients without raising our blood sugar levels.
  • Eggs: Daily intake can diminish your risk for heart disease in several ways. They help reduce inflammation, boost HDL cholesterol, reduce LDL cholesterol, and improve insulin sensitivity.
  • Sugar-Free Biscuits: A variety of diabetic-friendly sugar free biscuits is available these days, such as millet cookies, oats cookies, and almond cookies, which work great as a snack without raising your blood sugar levels.


To keep your random blood sugar levels under control, you need to consume the right kind of foods and alter your lifestyle habits, such as giving up smoking and exercising regularly. If you still experience any symptoms of high blood sugar even after these changes, consult a doctor and get a random blood sugar test to check your current glucose levels.

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