Filmmaker Subhash Ghai hosted a star-studded birthday bash on Monday. He turned 78 this year. Among those who joined them in the celebrations were Aishwarya Rai, Abhishek Bachchan, Salman Khan and others. Jaya Bachchan had also attended the party but left early. Also read: Akshay Kumar and Emraan Hashmi hilariously twin in ‘kaale clothes’, pose with Aishwarya Rai for a ‘selfie’
Aishwarya, who starred in Subhash Ghai’s 1999 musical romantic drama Taal, arrived with husband and actor Abhishek Bachchan. While Aishwarya was in an embroidered blue anarkali, Abhishek was in a bandhgala blue suit. They posed together for the paparazzi outside the venue. Taal was among Aishwarya’s first few blockbusters and also starred Anil Kapoor, Akshaye Khanna, Alok Nath, Mita Vashisht.
Jaya Bachchan was earlier spotted leaving early and Subhash Ghai accompanied her to the door to see her off. She was in a white anarkali suit and gave the filmmaker a hug before getting into the car. Mahima Chaudhary, who had shot to fame with his 1997 film Pardes, also accompanied her to the gate along with Ghai.
Salman Khan, who played the lead role in Subhash Ghai’s 2008 Yuvvraaj, also attended the party. He also joined Subhash in the cake cutting ceremony at the gate for the paparazzi. Salman was in a black tee paired with maroon pants and a brown jacket.
Yuvvraaj was a musical drama of a fragmented family of three brothers who try to con each other to inherit their father’s wealth. Salman, Anil Kapoor and Zayed Khan played the role of three brothers while Katrina Kaif played the female lead opposite Salman in the film. It however, did not perform well at the box office.
Also at the party were Jackie Shroff, Kartik Aaryan, Rakesh Roshan, Anupam Kher, Anil Kapoor, Alka Yagnik and Meezaan Jafri and actor brothers Ronit Roy and Rohit Roy with their families.
Subhash Ghai has written, produced and directed several hit films in the 80s and 90s. Kalicharan, Vishwanath, Karz, Hero, Vidhaata, Meri Jung, Karma, Ram Lakhan, Saudagar, Khalnayak, Pardes and Taal are some of his most memorable films. During the MeToo movement, an anonymous woman had accused him of sexually assaulting her but the charges couldn’t be proved.