Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Saturday shared a picture of him with a cat on his lap. In the picture, Adityanath is seen wearing the customary saffron robe, and is seen sitting on a chair with his legs folded with a cat on his lap. The Chief Minister captioned the picture “Hit Anhit Pashuo Panchiyo Jana”- which translates from Sanskrit in English to: “even birds and animals can differentiate between friends and foes”.
Several people commented on his post with some posting the “Jai Shri Ram” slogan. The post had received over 30,000 likes and more than 2,000 retweets at the time this story was published.
“Hamein , aise hi logo ki jarur hain… Tiger se Dog se Billi tak sabko prem karein…(We want such people who love animals – from tiger to dog to cats”,” a user wrote.
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Another said, “Yogi ji is our charm”.
The UP Chief Minister – who has the reputation of ‘Gausevak’ – has developed an image of being animal lover. Earlier, there was a similar picture of Yogi Adityanath with a monkey in his lap. In October, a picture of the CM feeding and caressing leopard cubs at the Gorakhpur Zoo also created a buzz on Twitter.
(With inputs from agencies)
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