A video of a Pakistani woman dancing on Shah Rukh Khan & Deepika Padukone’s song ‘Jhoome jo Pathaan’ from ‘Pathaan’ is going viral on social media. The lady can be seen grooving to the song on the streets of UK wearing a suit & salwar. Her nearly-perfect dance moves instantly grabbed eyeballs on the internet. However, a section of netizens trolled the woman with comments like: ‘Please have some age respect, why do you do this on roads?’, ‘Chachi apne ap ko Deepika smjh rhe h’. On the other hand, a fan wrote, ‘Kyaa Baat Hai Aunty Aapka Zinda Dil’. In fact, SRK’s manager Pooja Dadlani also shared the video on Twitter and wrote ‘Sweetest thing I’ve seen today!’For more news and updates, stay tuned to ETimes.
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