Madhuri Dixit’s husband Dr Sriram Nene has an active presence on YouTube and in a recent video, Madhuri and Dr Nene sat down with their son Arin to talk about his experience of living alone in the US. Arin is currently studying in University of Southern California in the US. From living in the safety of his campus to now living in a shared apartment and cooking for himself, the star kid spoke about how his life has changed since his Mumbai days.
Arin shared that his apartment is in a “not so great area” and while the university is a safe place, he prefers to not walk alone at night. Arin shared that if he has to step out during late night, he does so with a group of his friends. “For one thing, the off campus area we are in, is not so great but we are not that far away and the school has some systems in place to make sure that we are never out on our own. We have free lifts from 6pm to 2am. So we can call a free Uber, which is covered by the school to get back to our program or to get to our campus,” he said.
Madhuri, who has been a hands-on mother for both Arin and his younger brother Ryan, then asked about how he has been managing his food and if cooks at home. Arin shared, “Regarding food, that has been challenging. I just went from going to dining to hall to cooking my own food, which is a blessing and curse. I find myself not having enough time to cook for myself so only then I need to order in. Ordering is not the best move because their delivery fee is just a bit ridiculous. Cooking for myself has been great. It gives me the opportunity to experiment and come up with recipes that I really enjoy.”
He was quick to add with pride, “I can make groceries last may be a week or two at times. Overall it has been working out.”