Zoya Akhtar’s ‘The Archies’ cast made an appearance at the wrap up party of the film which was attended by Shah Rukh Khan‘s daughter Suhana Khan, Khushi Kapoor, Agastya Nanda along with Dot, Vedang Raina, Yuvraj Menda and Mihir Ahuja. Although fans showered their love on these newbies, a section of netizens once again targeted Suhana. One user wrote, ‘Face ko dekho, jawani hi khatam ho gyi iske!!!!!’ Another one commented ‘Ye toh SRK lite hai’. One even called her ‘kaam wali bhaiii’. One even compared Suhana with Malaika by saying ‘Why she is walking like Malaika’. For more news and updates, stay tuned to ETimes.
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